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Marjon health sciences degrees gain national accreditation

Released: 01.11.17

Two Marjon degrees have recently been awarded accreditation by their respective national bodies, recognising the quality of their provision and training. The accreditation process is complex and detailed, involving reviewing the facilities, staffing, and the experiences that the students will undertake.

The four year undergraduate Master degree in Osteopathic Medicine has been awarded accreditation by the General Osteopathic Council. This degree, which takes on students as undergraduates and allows them to register as fully qualified osteopaths four years later, is the only one of its kind in the South West and one of only eight in the country.

In addition, Marjon’s undergraduate BSc (Hons) Psychology degree, which took on its first students in 2016, has just been awarded industry accreditation by the British Psychological Society, supporting students to achieve graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of the BPS.

Professor Andrew Edwards, Dean of the Faculty of Sport, Health and Wellbeing, said, “We are delighted to have been recognised by the General Osteopathic Council and the British Psychological Society for the quality of our provision. We believe our offering is unique, combining the academic benefits of small class sizes with the world-class facilities of a much larger university.”

The degree in Osteopathic Medicine prepares students for a career in Osteopathy with an onsite clinic taking in patients, and 1000 hours of hands-on clinical experience. Students on the course also have access to the sports science facilities, which are the only labs in the South West accredited by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science.

It is expected that graduates from the Osteopathy course would begin careers either as private practitioners or working in the NHS or health centres. With the launch of Marjon’s new business school, those who wish to set up their own business will also be able to access extra-curricular modules on entrepreneurship and business management to ensure the success of their new venture.

The Psychology degree focuses on experiential teaching in small classes, which supports students’ learning and enables students to study topics which interests them alongside core cirriculum subjects. This could involve analysing the activities on the Marjon sports pitches or observing interactions in classrooms, to running their own research and applying theory to their experiences.

Find out more here about the degree in osteopathy or the psychology degree.

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