Safeguarding is the process by which we ensure that all members of the University (whether on campus or on placement) and those visiting our campus, are protected to enable them to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
Our safeguarding duty applies to children and adults at risk. The Safeguarding Policy for Plymouth Marjon University can be found here.
We embrace the idea that ‘safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’, and as such encourage all members of the University to be aware of our Safeguarding policies and procedures. The Safeguarding team (as named below) are able to provide advice, guidance and support to all members of the University should they have concerns about a child or an adult at risk.
The Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO)
The DSO for Plymouth Marjon University is Megan Bloomfield.
01752 63600 ext 7175
Student Wellbeing and Support (Located in West block)
The Assistant Safeguarding Officer (ASO)
The ASO for Plymouth Marjon University is Lynda Tout.
01752 636700 ext 3246
Student Wellbeing and Support (Located in West block)