PhD student - An evidence-based psychological intervention to support new runners with behaviour maintenance
01752 636700
I am interested in physical activity and behaviour change. My PhD is looking at supporting new runners with long-term behaviour maintenance by combining theory and practical knowledge. I am at the early stages currently trying to understand what kind of experiences new runners encounter, what facilitates running, and what barriers they face when trying to maintain running. Based on these findings, I will narrow down the focus to runners who face distinct barriers, such as mothers, and I will co-produce an intervention together with them. I will then aim to deliver and evaluate the intervention at a local running club.
This year I have taught modules on Social Psychology, Psychology in Practice, and Understanding Research: Theory and Method.
An evidence-based psychological intervention to support new runners with behaviour maintenance
Thornton, I. M., Wootton, Z., & Pedmanson, P. (2014). Matching biological motion at extreme distances. Journal of Vision, 14(3), doi:10.1167/14.3.13
My research interests include motivation and resilience in physical activity and sport.
Outside of academia I (unsurprisingly) enjoy running and being active.