PhD student - Out of Sight Out of Mind? Factors which influence police procedure in relation to people with hidden disabilities
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Lisa is a PhD student researching procedure in a police custody setting and the many additional complex issues that can arise, when building and maintaining a positive relationship between the police and individuals with mental health difficulties. In Lisa’s previous postgraduate research (MA), critical analysis demonstrated that many of the initial research questions remain unanswered. Whilst the police force is aware of many of these issues surrounding the complexity of dealing with people with mental health and hidden disabilities, unfortunately applying any recommendations to improve communication is hindered by issues such as ‘structural violence’ (Stewart, 2016).
This led Lisa to join Plymouth Marjon University as a PhD student, where she wishes to expand upon her previous research. Her core aim is to understand the factors that influence police procedure in relation to people with hidden disabilities. The expected outcomes will involve changes in police practice when dealing with hidden disabilities. Lisa is hopeful that it will prompt recommended changes in policies on how hidden disabilities are dealt with in a multi-agency setting and will encourage structural violence to be recognised as a valuable theory within today’s society.
At present Lisa is a visiting lecturer for Criminology & Psychology at Plymouth Marjon University.
PhD start date: October 2019
PhD supervisors: Dr Hazel Bending, Dr Adrian Barton & Dr Greg Bourne