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Marjon offers PhDs across business, education, health, the social sciences and sport. We’re small which means we put your success at the heart of everything we do and you get the opportunity to focus on your research interests. You won’t find another research community as supportive as this one. Want to make a difference together?

PHD Collection of student images

Why choose Marjon for research?

We make sure that PhD students at Marjon have both the resources and support they need to succeed. But don’t just take our word for it. In the latest Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES 2022):

  • the proportion of Postgraduate research students who agreed that there were sufficient opportunities to interact with other postgraduate research students was 93% at Marjon.  This was 33 percentage points above the Global benchmark (60%). 
  • 87% of Postgraduate research students at Marjon agreed that there were frequent opportunities to discuss research. This was 24 percentage points above the Global benchmark (63%). 
  • Vibrant research culture - As a PhD student you’ll work closely with research-active lecturers and researchers and be part of our research networks which operate both locally and internationally.
  • Incredible support - You’ll have easy access to your supervisors, and researcher development opportunities, we’re a friendly community and you’ll never feel lost here.
  • Interdisciplinary doctoral college – Marjon supports PhDs in various different subjects and there are opportunities to share ideas, gain support and work together through the doctoral college. The doctoral college offers professional development and helps prepare you for your future career!

Student testimonials

Alison Millyard

“With Marjon being a smaller institution, I had the opportunity to get involved with aspects of university life I would not experience at bigger institutions, like being an active member of the research ethics panel for two years and sitting on the research and knowledge exchange committee.”

Phily Iglehart

“It was Marjon’s inclusive, collaborative, supportive, dynamic environment that cemented my desire to pursue my PhD here. The atmosphere is truly unlike that which I’ve encountered elsewhere in my career, and my colleagues are among the most dedicated and caring I’ve had the privilege work with.”

Michelle Batstone

“Marjon puts student success at the heart of what they do. I am a lecturer at the University and I see this in practice both as an employee and as a PhD student. I know I have the help and support of my supervisors guiding me along this journey to completing my PhD and I am confident I will succeed.”

PhD signposting boxes

PHD Mature Student group

Introduction to PhD

Find out more about the PhD programme and make an enquiry.

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Mature PHD Students

PhD Life

Hear from a current student about life at Marjon.

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PHD Student group photo

Doctoral College

How can the Doctoral College support PhD students?

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