Here is a list of our current societies and presidents. If you think there’s something missing, check out our sports clubspage as it may be there. Get in touch with us and we can help you set up your very own club.
If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch with and I can help you set up your very own society
Contact is Marja Hunter: Email
Inactive at this present time.
Contact is Jackson Thorne-MacBlain: Email
We're an environmentally minded group of students and staff, who aim to get outdoors and make improvements to Marjon's campus.
We do litter picks and work closely alongside Marjon Sustainability to help with campus clearing activities, as well as with the hedgehog friendly initiative. We also promote eco-friendly and sustainable ways of living on campus, for example liaising with Marjon Sustainability and Estates teams to make suggestions about improvements we think could be made to the campus.
We are also hoping to be able to do some beach cleans in the future, when the logistics can be worked out. As well as this, we hope to look into organising talks at the university from external groups if we can. Suggestions are welcome.
Currently we are staying online only due to COVID-19, but we are hoping to use our social media pages to share environmental information, ideas, and photos from our members’ own socially distanced environmental activities.
The society is open to all students and members of staff at Marjon University. You can find us on social media here:
This society is currently inactive. To adopt this society please contact
Games Night society is a group of students who meet on a Friday night at 7 in the Octagon (Snug) to play games such as Cards Against Humanity, Uno, Twister, Nerf Guns and more! It's a great alternative if you don't want to go out drinking or fancy a night in!
For more information please contact Charlotte
Giving Voice is a society aimed at creating awareness for communication difficulties, as well as other related causes. This society is for anyone who would like to create social change in an impactful and relevant way, both around uni and in our wider community. We also aim to foster an open and supportive social environment, bridging the gap between different courses and year groups. There is no strict time commitment - members can attend as much or as little as they like, just come along when you can!
Facebook: Facebook Link
Instagram: @marjongv
Contact is Ella James: Email
Contact is Sage Thomassen-Holmes: Email
Contact: Amber
We encourage you to join the Mature Students' Facebook group to find other mature students.
Contact: Owen
ontact: Holly
Contact is Kat Grimoldby: Email
Contact: Jamie
Contact : Email is
This society is currently inactive. To adopt this society please contact
Contact is Rosie Davies: Email
Contact is Ella James: Email
Hi, we are Marjon Strength Society - a place for anyone interested in gym training and fitness. We are a group of people from various venues of training, from high-level powerlifting, CrossFit and weightlifting to people who enjoy just going to the gym and training for their enjoyment. Thanks to the more experienced members we can offer a lot of advice and support but also a safe environment to challenge yourself and have some fun. Our sessions run in the strength and conditioning lab where we have access to high level sport specific equipment for you to use.
To keep up to date with sessions and society news, or to ask any more questions, follow our Instagram: @margin_strength_society
This society is currently inactive. To adopt this society please contact
The Workshop is a society that looks at presenting and producing radio shows for Plymouth’s Student Radio Station.
Facebook: Facebook Link
Contact : Dylan:
Hi Marjon! We are super excited to be representing and supporting Coppafeel! this academic year! We will be educating you on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, so you have the ability to check your breasts/pecs regularly. Our aim is to take control of breast cancer and help you to feel empowered through the understanding of your own body. Breast cancer can affect anyone despite of gender and age, so everyone is welcome! We don't have a regular meeting time; however, we have many plans including fundraisers, competitions, social events (cocktail nights!!!) and much to get involved in! If you want to support the Coppafeel! Alongside us, understand your body or even just want to meet some new people, then follow our socials to keep an eye out for our events! We can't wait to see you soon! Lets stop breast cancer together.
For more information follow our Instagram @ubtmarjon
Facebook @Marjon UBT
email Morgan Baitup