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MPsy Psychotherapy and Counselling / BSc Counselling for the Helping Professions Interviews

We look forward to welcoming you to Plymouth Marjon University for your interview. The MPsy Psychotherapy and Counselling degree is a highly professional degree that will advance your academic understanding, whilst also developing your self-awareness, personal development, and interpersonal skills.

Our aim is to provide you with an interview experience that gives you an insight into what the course will entail, and help you to determine whether the course meets your expectations.

Equally, it allows us to assess your suitability for the demands of the course, and your readiness to undertake training of this nature.

The MPsy degree is committed to developing high standards of practice, underpinned by the ethical principles, values, and qualities outlined by the outlined by the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) and the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS).

Prior to your interview, you may wish to familiarise yourself with the following online resources:

Ultimately, we want candidates to “be themselves” - there are no trick questions designed to catch you out!

What to Expect on the Day

During the day, there will be several opportunities to learn more about the MPsy and the University, from both the lecturing team and current students.

Interviews are predominantly held in-person at the Plymouth Marjon University campus, but may occasionally be held online via Microsoft Teams, using a similar schedule.

If your interview is held online, and you have not used Microsoft Teams before, please download the free software here ( and take some time to familiarise yourself with it.

09:00  - Arrival / Registration at Reception

  • Meet at Reception

09:30 -  Campus Tour

  • Meet fellow candidates (max. 12) and current students, learn more about Plymouth Marjon University.

10:30 - Welcome Talk

  • An informal information session delivered by one or more of the lecturing team. We’ll provide an overview of the course; it’s aims, how it’s delivered and what students can expect, as well as our expectations of students.

11:00   - Group Interview

  • Lecturers will observe candidates’ interpersonal, communication, and relational skills during a small-group task. Afterwards, each group will present back their ideas to the wider group, inviting others to ask questions, share feedback, or suggestions.

12:00 - Break / Q&A with Current Students

  • Lecturers will leave the room whilst current students join, allowing candidates to gain more insight into the Marjon student experience.

From 12:30 - Individual Interviews (approx. 20-25mins each)

Each candidate will have a one-to-one interview with a member of the lecturing team to explore your:

  • Motivations and aspirations for doing the course
  • Awareness of the commitments and responsibilities of the course, and the profession
  • Academic and intellectual capabilities
  • Aptitude for reflective practice
  • Qualities, attitudes, and values

Candidates are welcome to remain in the main room with other candidates whilst awaiting their interview.

Candidates are welcome to depart once their interview has finished. 

What else do I need to know?

Please see your interview invitation letter for further information about any documents you need to send to us.

If you are unable to make your interview date, or if you have any queries, please email

After the Interview Day

If you are successful in securing a place on our MPsy programme, you will be notified via UCAS and required to obtain the Disclosure and Barring Service record (DBS). If you accept an offer with us, we will be in touch regarding your DBS check.

Unsuccessful candidates will be made an alternative offer, where suitable.