We understand that at this time it can be even harder to maintain your mental and physical well-being, especially if you have to self-isolate.
Below are some ideas, tips and links to helpful resources to read, take part in and share. If you’re a student, we are still here to talk to and you can book in for a chat / well-being appointment through Student Support – studentsupport@marjon.ac.uk or our Chaplains are still keen to share a cuppa with students and staff online – mparkman@marjon.ac.uk and cmcilroy@marjon.ac.uk
Please see our Wellbeing pages in the Student Handbook for more resources and mindfulness techniques - https://sites.marjon.ac.uk/handbook/health-well-being/
Student Minds has a wealth of information, tips and resources - https://www.studentminds.org.uk/findsupport.html
Student blogger Sophie shares her tips on taking care of your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak:
One such helpline is www.kooth.com - free, safe and anonymous support for young people and a wealth of resources, including distraction techniques and coping mechanisms.
The Mind website is not specific to students but has some good practical advice https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/
In addition, you may want to look at some of these:
Student Space which provides online mental health advice for students, including email, phone and messenger support.
OCD-UK: OCD and Coronavirus Top Tips https://www.ocduk.org/ocd-and-coronavirus-survival-tips/
Specifically for disabled students: The grass-roots Disabled Students' group "Change for Disabled Students" has a general guide for disabled - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ffu6XUEO900wNJVD-WxPjn_m51R2DCAmKkRX6Hx93UE/edit
This is a Google doc which they are updating as they go. The top section is about stress, anxiety and mental health.
Keeping physically healthy whilst studying or working from home can also help your mental well-being:
Be Active At Home
This is not an exhaustive list and there is plenty more out there – if you have a top tip or resource to share, please e-mail it to studentsupport@marjon.ac.uk Please also see our Wellbeing pages in the Student Handbook for more resources and mindfulness techniques - https://sites.marjon.ac.uk/handbook/health-well-being/
Checklist for coming to campus