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External examination


As with all universities in the UK, Plymouth Marjon University is responsible for the quality of the education it provides and for the academic standards of the awards it offers. The role of the External Examiner (and the closely-related role of External Moderator) is to ensure that it maintains nationally and internationally comparable academic standards; it is crucial, therefore, to the University’s quality assurance procedures. External Examiners also assist the University by advising on good practice in teaching, learning and assessment.

The Handbook for External Examiners and Moderators, which is updated annually, sets out the policies and procedures relating to the appointment, roles, duties, rights and responsibilities of External Examiners and Moderators. It also aligns throughout with the expectations, practices, advice and guidance set out in the QAA's UK Quality Code for Higher Education. 


External Examiner and Moderator appointments are made by the Teaching, Learning and Academic Quality Committee (TLAQC) on behalf of Senate. External Examiners are normally appointed for four academic sessions and details of specific appointments can be made available to staff and students on request.

Induction and mentoring

New External Examiners and Moderators are invited to take part in induction activity during their first session of appointment. A mentor is also assigned to External Examiners and Moderators who have no previous experience of external examining.

Home office checks

In line with Home Office regulations, the University is obliged to verify the identity of all newly-appointed External Examiners and Moderators, and their right to work in the UK, before arrangements can be put into place to pay them for their duties. This task is carried out by the University's People and Organisational Development Team (Human Resources).

Rights and responsibilities

External Examiners are responsible for a defined list of modules which may, or may not, correspond with specific programmes. Deans of School are responsible for ensuring that every module offered by their School is assigned to an External Examiner. Progression and Award Board (PAB) External Examiners oversee a range of awards, in line with the University’s two-tier system of Assessment Boards. External Examiners are responsible for assuring the overall standards of the University’s awards, and do not contribute to the assessment process by acting as second markers.   


External Examiners and Moderators normally report annually, by way of a standard (end of session) report form which is sent to them prior to the relevant Assessment Board/s. They are expected to report within four weeks of the date of the relevant Board/s, so that their findings can be discussed at the beginning of the following academic session. Responses to reports are signed off by Deans of School, to be returned to External Examiners. The findings of External Examiners and Moderators also contribute to the annual monitoring process. Much briefer interim reports are also provided after the Semester A Assessment Boards.

Internal links

External links

The Higher Education Academy: External Examining  (including the HEA Handbook on External Examining)
