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Teacher Education Partnership

Teacher Training Education

Great teachers are made at Marjon

Plymouth Marjon University Teacher Education Partnership is a well-established partnership between the University and schools in the South West, London and Service Children’s Education. It is a values-based collaborative partnership that ensures excellent outcomes for pupils, trainees and teachers.

A 180 year history of training exceptional teachers supports those aspiring to join the teaching profession select a training programme that makes best use of their skills, aptitudes and previous experience and develop their subject knowledge. The wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate, university led and school led programmes, fee base and  employment based programmes  ensure that trainees have the potential to meet the needs of local, regional or national employers and to meet the needs of the wider educational community. 

Through the collaborative partnership, the University and schools show their long-term commitment to the teaching profession through promoting excellent standards of teaching and learning and in providing opportunities for personal and professional development and dialogue. The Partnership recognises the value of excellent role models in initial teacher training and promotes the involvement of expert colleagues and Specialist Leaders in Education in the design, delivery and evaluation of programmes.

All members of the Teacher Education Partnership (Marjon TEP) (schools, colleges and settings) are strongly engaged in the ITE partnership and are responsible for improvement and for the promotion of high quality teaching and learning for trainees and pupils.

All stakeholders, including trainees, will be fully prepared for their roles in supporting and assessing trainee progress and achievement, and in the planning and delivery of training and to pursue a vision for excellence focused on improving or sustaining high-quality provision for trainees.  Continuing professional development of stakeholders is be planned in order to meet the needs of schools and of all stakeholders involved with delivery of the programme.

"The PTSA are excited and thrilled to be working with Plymouth Marjon University as one of our key partners in the School Direct programme; it is a real opportunity to attract the very best trainees to our city and help them develop into outstanding teachers." CEO at Plymouth Teachers and School Alliance.

“Marjon has a strong track record of supporting Teaching Schools and Initial Teacher Training providers in the region. Drawing on its expertise in teacher training, research and evaluation, Marjon supports the school-led-sector to be better connected and more evidence-informed.” Martin Smith, Director for SW Institute of Teaching. 

Statement of expectations

Plymouth Marjon University Teacher Training Partnership develops highly reflective and professional teachers and expects that:

  • All trainees will achieve good or better subject and pedagogic knowledge for the age phase they are training to teach
  • All trainees will have a passion for teaching which leads to enhanced employability and leadership skills
  • All stakeholders will engage in high quality support and training to meet the individual needs of all trainees, including mental health of trainees
  • All stakeholders will understand their responsibility to impact upon pupil progress

Centre of excellence

Marjon has been training teachers for 180 years and commits to providing the highest quality training. The university has a relationship with around 300 primary schools, 200 secondary schools and 25 specialist schools in the South West.

93.3% of graduates are in further education, employed or both five years after leaving. This compares to an 88.2% sector average, according to the Longitudinal Education Outcomes, 2019.

The annual Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey asks students about their learning and teaching experience.  In 2020 Marjon ranked third out of 68 UK institutions for overall satisfaction, with a score of 92%. This is compared to a sector average of 79%. Marjon ranked first for education and teaching across all but one of the available categories.

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Plymouth Marjon University Teacher Education Partnership is committed to supporting professional development in education.  The partnership has developed its own principles for mentoring trainee teachers and has developed specific, accredited postgraduate provision in coaching and mentoring.

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Early Career Teachers

The University’s aim is to work in partnership to support you during your Early Career Teacher ( ECT) period and beyond. We work closely with our partner schools to ensure comprehensive professional development in the early years of your career.

Early Career Teachers

Quality assurance

TEP's roles and responsibilities, as set out in the downloadable poster below, are clear and robust mechanisms to quality assure the consistency and quality of both grading and training.

Internal mechanisms include a triangulated quality assurance processes between school, the University and trainees and peer observation process, identifying and sharing good practice across university and school-based provision.

In addition external mechanism includes the use of external examiners and external moderators .

Routes into teaching

Teacher Education Partnership develops highly reflective and professional teachers through a variety of routes into teaching. There are a number of options of how to train to teach and picking the right route for you is important, click to see all our teaching training courses.

If you're an international applicant looking to find out more about becoming a trainee teacher in the UK, follow this link to the government's official website. 

Our curriculum aims

We aim to strengthen the education sector and to improve the outcomes of all children by:

  • Developing trainees who have deep, secure and extensive knowledge and skills related to the following three themes:
    1. The professional role of the developing teacher
    2. Development of teaching and learning
    3. Curriculum and specialisms
  • Preparing trainees who meet high expectations for personal and professional conduct; are ready for their career ‘next steps’ and have enhanced employability, ‘promotion-readiness’ and leadership potential.
  • Cultivating trainees’ passion for subjects, teaching and subject leadership.
    Fostering MTEP values and academic habits such as critical reflection and curiosity in every cohort.

 MTEP Mentoring Principles
(adobe .pdf, 133 KB,)