Image slide - Qatar Students 2017
IMAGE 1: Omani Juniors - ship portrait
IMAGE: On deck - sitting
IMAGE 2: Omani Juniors - steps
IMAGE 3: Omani Juniors - ship landscape
IMAGE: On deck - standing
IMAGE 4: Omani Juniors - on rock
Qatari Emiri Navy Junior Officers 02
Qatari Emiri Navy Junior Officers 01
Marjon’s partnership with the Royal Navy of Oman dates back to the mid-1980s when we were first asked to provide a three-month preparation course for Officer Training at Britannia Royal Naval College at Dartmouth (BRNC). The course has evolved over time in line with changes to the curriculum and entry requirements at BRNC. Currently we provide a full-time course to junior officers which focuses on raising skills in three key areas: English language development, navigation (through Rule of the Road) and physical fitness (through PE and Sport). We recently welcomed for the first time, a class of Qatari Emiri Navy Officer Cadets joining us for 11 weeks training including language, phys ed and leadership ahead of training.
Specialist naval training in areas such as ship technology, radar and meteorology together with hands-on experience of a state-of-the-art navigation simulator are also provided.
In addition to their formal learning, the junior officers stay with local families to gain first-hand experience of British life and culture and to create opportunities for language development in a civilian environment. The BRNC team have commented that junior officers who train at Marjon have a definite edge over their colleagues from other backgrounds.